About Fleur Piton: Handcrafted Caribbean-Inspired Fragrances

Thanie: founder Fleur Piton

A note from our founder, Thanie:

Growing up in Saint Lucia, I spent the majority of my free time surrounded by the sights, sounds and aromas of nature. Commercial toys were scarce, and as such, children spent the majority of their idle time outdoors. My family is quite large, and thankfully, in addition to my brothers, I have a plethora of cousins. We embarked on many adventures together. Throughout our adventures, I was always captivated by the aromas of fresh morning dew, flowers in full blossom, fresh herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables; the scent of the ocean, of a waterfall, of a bonfire, of a walk in the woods, and the air after a torrential downpour.

One of my most cherished memories from childhood happens to be our infrequent hikes to the top of Gros Piton. The temperature was always refreshingly cool. The air was always superbly fresh; and the panoramic views of land and ocean were, and still are, absolutely breathtaking. I would spend the entire trip home wishing I would do it all over again the next day.

There’s nothing like migration to articulate the sentimental value of one’s homeland. For me most of those sentiments are deeply rooted in outdoor experiences. Upon emigration to the Northeastern United States, my sense of nostalgia for Caribbean life set in. Throughout my travels over the years, I have found that pleasant aromatic experiences help incite the temperate, calming, yet vibrant essence of the Caribbean no matter what life brings, or where I roam.

Why candles?

I have always loved a good fragrance. In fact, as a child, I conducted quite a few of my own experiments with extracting fragrances from flower petals (roses were my favorite) in efforts to create some semblance of a perfume. I have always had an affinity for a good scented candle. At any given point throughout my adult life, I have hoarded at least a small collection of hand picked scented candles in some hidden corner of my home. I believe that quality scented candles are a vessel for sharing the sense of joy that a wholesome fragrance can awaken. I created Fleur Piton Candles so that I could capture uniquely tropical fragrances for year-round enjoyment in my home, and so that I could share them with you. My hope is that Fleur Piton Candles will provide you with an aromatic escape should you ever want or need one.

Our mission

Help our customers relax by introducing the tropical ambience of vacation into their homes through our eco-friendly handmade products.

Our values

Environmental consciousness and sustainability are at the forefront of everything we do. All of our products are lovingly handcrafted with premium eco-friendly ingredients. All of our candle vessels are reusable and recyclable. We make every effort to reuse any packaging we receive from our suppliers.

We believe that the keystones of any successful business should include great customer service and high quality products. We want these values to be reflected in your shopping experience in our store. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, comments or recommendations.

Have questions, comments, custom order inquiries? Email info@fleurpiton.com